History Walks Books
are available to buy by mail order
from History Walks Talks and Books
and from various stockists throughout
1066 Country
1066 Harold's Way, Three Castles and an Ironmaster's House and The Saxon Times
are available by mail order from History Walks and from Amazon

Walks in 1066 Country
There are fourteen titles in the History Walks series are available from
the following stockists. Those who do not stock the full range are marked with an *
Hare & Hawthorn, George Street
Hastings Contemporary, Winkle Island, Rock-a-Nore*
Shipwreck Museum, Rock-a-Nore*
Old Hastings Preservation Society, History House, Courthouse Street
Hastings Fishermen's Museum, Rock-a-Nore, Hastings
Coghurst Hall Holiday Park*
Bookbuster. Queens Road, Hastings
The Bale House, Hastings Country Park Information Centre*
Coastguard Cafe, Fairlight
St Leonards on Sea
The Bookkeeper, 1A Kings Road
Studio 4 Frames, Marine Court*
British Design British Made, High Street*
De La Warr Pavillion*
Bexhill Museum*
Rye Heritage Centre*
Adams of Rye, 8 High Street
Tea beside the Orchard, Icklesham