Reach out to discover and explore walks in 1066 Country by TAKING THE BUS.
It can be as much fun as the walk itself. All the walks in the History Walks series of ‘Short Walks in 1066 Country’ are designed to be bus friendly.
With no need to search the car parks and lay-bys for an empty parking space, you can just sit back and relax on a scenic bus journey and if you can manage to get the front seat on the top deck, all the better. There is no need to worry about the car.
There are flat walks for an easy stroll and more adventurous walks for the energetic. Distances stretch from 1¼ miles up to 10 miles and some can last for over three hours, depending on your fitness, and all with a bus stop or a station by the finish.
The walks include urban walks and rural walks that include farm tracks, field paths, quiet country roads, rivers and canals and, more often than not, there is a pub at the end to reward yourself with a pint whilst waiting for a Stagecoach to take you home.